Posts Tagged virtualmin

Upgrading Virtualmin GPL to Virtualmin Pro Centos bug fix

Posted by on Wednesday, 1 July, 2009

Virtualmin is a fantastic piece of software which allows the not-so-techy run a full hosting server nicely, however I’ve come accross a bug that seems to happen mostly in Centos 5 when trying to upgrade and you happened to have used the rpm to install

This is how you do it.

Login to Virtualmin. Click on System Settings . Click on “Upgrade to Virtualmin Pro” and enter your serial number etc.

Now if you get the following error

Failed to upgrade to Virtualmin Pro : No Virtualmin GPL repository was found in /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualmin.repo

Put this into /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualmin.repo

name=Red Hat Enterprise $releasever - $basearch - Virtualmin

name=Virtualmin Distribution Neutral

Then try again. It should all go well now for you and be able to update.

Migrating Cpanel to Virtualmin

Posted by on Monday, 11 May, 2009

For those who do not know what either are, CPanel and Virtualmin are very similar to Plesk. They are a way of managing all your virtual hosting needs if you have a server. You log into a web interface, add a domain and it automagicly reconfigures your server to accept email DNS and websites for it. You can then add email addresses easily and let users manage their own stuff. They make life very easy for those less knowledgeable about Linux and servers in general. Virtualmin is often migrated to as you can download the GPL version entirely free, and it works great. Alternatively you can pay and get a slightly better more featured version.

A nice tip from Jamie of Virtualmin for migration here.

As for migration, once you have the backups from cPanel you can more easily mass-migrate them into Virtualmin from the command line.
You could use a script like :

for file /cpanel/*.gz; do
virtualmin migrate-domain –type cpanel –source $file –pass foo

This will migrate all backups in the /cpanel , and give them the password ‘foo’ in Virtualmin. Sadly there is no way to extract the original password from a cPanel backup 🙁