The “World's First DrupalCar,” a 2011 Camaro, was unveiled at DrupalCon Denver. We don't look under the hood, but we do get hands on with the hardware and software inside this proof-of-concept IVI system.
The “World's First DrupalCar,” a 2011 Camaro, was unveiled at DrupalCon Denver. We don't look under the hood, but we do get hands on with the hardware and software inside this proof-of-concept IVI system.
In this interview, Luke Kanies, CEO and founder of Puppet Labs, explains why the Puppet configuration management tool is a huge hit with sys admins, and tells us what to expect next from the popular open source project.
If you've always wanted to brew your own beer, you'll be glad to know there's an app for that. Created by Philip Lee, Brewtarget is an open source application that helps home brewers create and manage beer recipes. We talk to Lee about Brewtarget's history, its features, and its future.