Author Archive

Physical Memory Analysis with the LiME Linux Memory Extractor

Posted by on Thursday, 19 April, 2012

The LiME Loadable Kernel Module allows digital investigators to perform physical memory analysis on Linux and Linux-based devices such as Android smartphones. LiME could capture currently running and previously terminated apps, for example, and the IP addresses of other devices to which it has connected. In this interview, Joe Sylve, a Senior Security Researcher at Digital Forensics Solutions, explains what LiME is and how it works.

Gaming Freedom with Liberated Pixel Cup Contest

Posted by on Friday, 13 April, 2012

The Creative Commons, Free Software Foundation, and OpenGameArt have joined forces to organize a free culture licensed artwork and software game competition. Cash prizes will be awarded to individuals and teams in art and code contribution categories.

Archiving Images with an Open Source Scanning Robot

Posted by on Saturday, 31 March, 2012

Project Gado is developing an inexpensive, open source, autonomous archival scanning robot. The goal? To create a tool that will allow small archives and museums digitize holdings at a low cost and help preserve important documents and pictures. In the process of developing the Gado, the ambitious project is also helping preserve the Afro-American Newspapers photo collection.