Author Archive

Supercomputing to Forecast the Future

Posted by on Tuesday, 18 October, 2011

If you want to survey the international Internet-based news, world-wide social media, New York Times text archives, and search engine trends, you're going to need either super powers or a supercomputer. Kalev Leetaru doesn't have super powers, but he does have Linux-powered supercomputers to do the data crunching for him.

Transifex: The GSoC Project that Translated Itself in an International Business

Posted by on Friday, 14 October, 2011

“Translating free software is one of the first wedges that we get into a culture new to free and open source software, and people want to work day and night to bring this amazing stuff to their country and language,” Karsten Wade, Senior Community Architect at Red Hat, said in a recent interview. “Transifex is vital because it is that initial gateway for opening a new country to FOSS, and it does such a fantastic job of it.”

Transifex: The GSoC Project that Translated Itself in an International Business

Posted by on Friday, 14 October, 2011

“Translating free software is one of the first wedges that we get into a culture new to free and open source software, and people want to work day and night to bring this amazing stuff to their country and language,” Karsten Wade, Senior Community Architect at Red Hat, said in a recent interview. “Transifex is vital because it is that initial gateway for opening a new country to FOSS, and it does such a fantastic job of it.”