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Tizen Developer Conference Agenda Announced

Posted by on Wednesday, 11 April, 2012

HTML5 app developers and device makers, this conference is for you!

The Tizen project just posted the schedule of events for the first Tizen Developer Conference, which will be held in San Francisco on May 7-9, 2012. The agenda includes sessions that cover the Tizen platform itself, application development, and the community, with a special track for In-Vehicle Infotainment, or IVI.

Tizen Platform Tracks

There will be two parallel tracks on the Tizen Platform. The “Platform Introductory” track will discuss the Tizen architecture, development tools, web runtime, and various frameworks, including security, applications, UI, and graphics. It will also include talks on telephony, the Bluetooth stack, and location services.

The “Platform Advanced” track will discuss the need for standard accessibility APIs in Tizen, mobile text input challenges, details of the Tizen emulator, practical lessons in application development, optimizing services for systemd, using the Web API test suite, WebKit2/EFL, OBS, and a deep dive into DRM (Direct Rendering Manager) in the Tizen kernel.

Tizen Application Development Tracks

There will also be two tracks on application development in Tizen.

The “Application Introductory” track will cover the WebAPIs, WebCL for hardware acceleration, the Web UI framework, push notifications, and rich application development in HTML5 including touch input, gaming, and the use of . It will also include a session that helps developers determine which parts of the Tizen stack should be used when building or porting applications.

The “Application Advanced” track will focus on best practices when designing applications for low power, performance, security, beauty, and portability, and will include deep dives into cloud storage and podcasting HTML5 applications.

Community and Upcoming Technologies Track

Sessions in the “Project & Community / Upcoming Technologies” track will cover the state of the Tizen community, how to engage with open source projects, and discussions of Wayland, oFono, and secure NFC applications.

In-Vehicle Infotainment Track

Finally, the IVI track held on day two will include talks on the potential of Tizen in the automotive industry, the Tizen IVI architecture, security, and HTML5 application development for IVI.

As you can see, the conference focus is on the technologies in and around the Tizen platform, as well as best practices for HTML5 application development. If you are planning to build Tizen devices or write applications for the platform, this conference is definitely for you.

Registration is open now. Hope to see you there!

Linux Training Opportunities at Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit

Posted by on Friday, 9 March, 2012

The Linux Foundation’s Collaboration Summit is a great time to, well, collaborate. But it’s also a really good opportunity to learn.

We’re offering three courses at this year’s Collaboration Summit, each in a different area, to help build skills while rubbing elbows with other top kernel developers.

Advanced Linux Performance Tuning is a deep dive into proven tools and methods used to identify and resolve performance problems, resulting in system that is better optimized for specific workloads. This is particularly for those who write or use applications that have unusual characteristics, that behave differently than kernel performance heuristics anticipate. It is a hands-on course that assume some familiarity with basic performance tools. This course is offered on Monday, April 2nd.

Overview of Open Source Compliance End-to-End Process is for any company that is redistributing Linux or other open source code. It provides a thorough discussion of the processes that should be in place to ensure that all open source code is being tracked and that licensing obligations are being met. This is a very practical course designed to give your company the ability to design your own internal process. This course is offered on Sunday, April 1st.

Practical Guide to Open Source Development is not a course on coding. Rather, it is about maximizing the effectiveness of your contributions. It is structured to give you a thorough understanding of the characteristics that make the open source model work well for corporate develoment organizations, and covers best practices when joining an external open source project, when launching your own, and when open sourcing proprietary code. This course is offered on Monday, April 2nd.

All of these courses are available for registered invitees now. If you’ve already registered for Collaboration Summit, you can modify your conference registration and add these courses.

See you there!

Tizen Conference Announced

Posted by on Saturday, 25 February, 2012

Just in case you missed it, the first Tizen conference has been announced! It will be held at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco, from May 7-9.

The 2012 Tizen Conference will be a good opportunity for developers and device builders to learn more about the platform, where it’s going, and how to make best use of it when building products. In addition, there will be a special Tizen hosted hands-on lab for developers, prior to the conference – register early to save your spot.

The call for papers is now open. We’re expecting conference tracks to include:
◦ Application development and deployment
◦ Device/Product development
◦ Platform development
◦ Tizen project, process, and progress

The Tizen project also welcomes submissions on any other Tizen related topics, so be creative! The call for papers is open until midnight on March 8th, and sessions will be announced March 12th.

More details are available at – submit your proposal or register as an attendee today!