Author Archive

Big Data Predictions for 2012

Posted by on Wednesday, 4 January, 2012

At the end of 2010, I asked some of my friends and Linux Pro Magazine readers to make predictions for 2011. Now as we look back on the year, we get to decide whether our predictions were on target.

Big Data Predictions for 2012

Posted by on Wednesday, 4 January, 2012

At the end of 2010, I asked some of my friends and Linux Pro Magazine readers to make predictions for 2011. Now as we look back on the year, we get to decide whether our predictions were on target.

FlickStream: Linux Inside

Posted by on Friday, 2 December, 2011

Behind every successful business, there's Linux and open source. That might be an exaggeration, but it's not an exaggeration to say that Linux and open source are at the core of FlickStream. The Linux-powered service adds all sorts of custom content to the Linux-powered Roku digital video player.