Q&A with Fedora Project Leader Jared Smith on Fedora 16 and Beyond

This entry was posted by Wednesday, 9 November, 2011
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Today's the big day for the Fedora Project. After six months of hard work (give or take a few days for schedule slips) the Fedora 16 release is out the door. To get the “behind the scenes” look at this release, we touched base with Fedora Project Leader Jared Smith.

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Q&A with Fedora Project Leader Jared Smith on Fedora 16 and Beyond

This entry was posted by Wednesday, 9 November, 2011
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Today's the big day for the Fedora Project. After six months of hard work (give or take a few days for schedule slips) the Fedora 16 release is out the door. To get the “behind the scenes” look at this release, we touched base with Fedora Project Leader Jared Smith.

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